Core Concept #1: Skills, Experiences, And Talents (S.E.T.) For Strong Teams
Lead Through Strengths - Build a Training and Coaching Practice, Based on Strengths - Un podcast de Lisa Cummings and Brea Roper - Les dimanches

In this episode, we start joining important puzzle pieces together to make your team a genuinely strengths-powered one. When we zero in on the nuts and bolts that make strengths work, we develop the kind of perspective that can build and rebuild teams as often as necessary -- no matter what changes or challenges arise in your work environment. Once you’ve mastered these core concepts, you will have won over the most unconsidered elements in implementing strengths at work. Ready to set sail towards your shared goals as a stronger team? Since you’re here, I take it to mean you’re all set! Let The Total You Shine When it comes to career branding, people usually think showcasing their skills and experiences is enough. For the longest time, it's what we have seen others do: fill resumes and LinkedIn profiles the skills they've acquired along the way. If that’s not enough, then what’s missing? Oh, it’s just what we already have all along: talent! StrengthsFinder views natural talent as the way we do things driven by the inherent way we think, feel, and act. When we add that to our list of skills and experiences, we are able to establish a more solid character behind our career brand. Yet how often do we really come across natural talents in LinkedIn profiles, resumes, and CVs? Rarely. Now that we've found what completes our branding equation, it’s about time we don’t leave talent out. For example, if you have Deliberative/Intellection talents, you can present them in your career branding effort as: Detecting risks that others overlook Dissecting on a topic with sensibility and depth Your Challenge: Shift From 1D To 3D Career branding without talents is merely a one- or two-dimensional view of yourself. To not showcase them is to deprive others the best of what you can give easily and naturally. Imagine how sturdier and more powerful your career branding would be if it’s standing not just on two but three solid legs. You have your skills, your experiences, and your talents. Now that sounds like a total package! Once you start adding in your arsenal of talents, you can expect to get a better match for this newfound well-rounded version of you. Your Team’s Game Plan As you determine your team’s pool of strengths today, it’s important that you get a 3D view of each other. The key is that you're willing to put out a 3D view of yourself. This means going through the following steps: 1. Think about your career brand vis-à-vis: how you're known currently and how you want to be known or remembered in the future 2. Think about how to communicate to your team--your process of working through your natural talents. 3. Mine natural talents and look for them from your teammates so you can… see how you can collaborate better observe when they're doing what leads them toward their aspiration celebrate it with them The 'Aspirational You' Impact At Stronger Teams, we explore “Aspirational You" -- the things you want to be known for or remembered by other people. It resides in the “T” zone of S.E.T. This is an important step in career branding efforts and in your team's game plan. As a quick reminder, so that you don't have to scroll up to peek, S.E.T. stands for Skills, Experiences, and Talents. If a 1D or 2D view has brought some positive effects on your career, imagine how much more the inclusion of “Aspirational You” would do for your brand! Imagine how much influence it would have on your team as you implement strengths altogether. Digging Into 'Aspirational You' Stronger Teams brings “Aspirational You” essentials to the surface through training for teams and individuals. Here are examples of sets of words that the participants thought up as the aspirational representation of themselves. decisive, observant, bridge-builder trustworthy, inquisitive, excellence-seeker casual, decisive, influencer bold, forward-looking, listener Of course, these examples are merely a guide on how you can come up with your own “Aspirational You” version. Think well of how you want to be remembered as you move on from one role or career to another, and then find the right descriptive words that best capture you. While you may be straightforward with your team, you may soften the words a bit by turning them into meaningful sentences. See how you can be creative and impactful as you share these words on your LinkedIn account’s About section. Examples: “People have told me I am ________.” or simply list down your StrengthsFinder talent themes. Ready For The Next Concept? Up next: from the elusive T to the troublemaking “T’s.” Stay tuned!