[SECHebdo] 11 février 2021

Le Comptoir Sécu - Podcasts - Un podcast de L'équipe du Comptoir Sécu


Nous venons de tourner un nouveau SECHebdo en live sur Youtube. Comme d’habitude, si vous avez raté l’enregistrement, vous pouvez le retrouver sur notre chaîne Youtube (vidéo ci-dessus) ou bien au format podcast audio: Au sommaire de cette émission : Todo (00:01:30) Notre discord : http://discord.comptoirsecu.fr A bientôt pour d’autres émissions/podcasts! Liste des sources : FireJail - Local Root https://unparalleled.eu/publications/2021/advisory-unpar-2021-0.txt Rigged Race Against Firejail for Local Root Local root exploit found in Firejail sandbox application, here’s how to update it to fix the security issue : linuxmint ProjektRed - Ransom & Leak https https Punk Kitty Ransom - Analysing HelloKitty Ransomware Attacks Tool - Github1s GitHub1s GitHub1s Dependency confusion https://medium.com/@alex.birsan/dependency-confusion-4a5d60fec610 Attaque d’un centre de traitement des eaux en floride Poor Password Security Led to Recent Water Treatment Facility Hack What’s most interesting about the Florida water system hack? That we heard about it at all. — Krebs on Security Hacker Tried Poisoning Water Supply After Breaking Into Florida’s Treatment System Hacker Breached Florida City’s Water Treatment System Hacker modified drinking water chemical levels in a US city | ZDNet Extension “The Great Suspender” contient maintenant un malware WARNING — Hugely Popular ‘The Great Suspender’ Chrome Extension Contains Malware We no longer recommend the Chrome extension The Great Suspender. Here is why! - gHacks Tech News CornerVuln SAP Security Patch Day – February 2021 - Product Security Response at SAP - Community Wiki Security Center Adobe Security Bulletins and Advisories VMSA-2020-0029.1 VMSA-2021-0001 Chrome Releases: Stable Channel Update for Desktop Android Security Bulletin—February 2021  |  Android Open Source Project https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT212177 Security Vulnerabilities fixed in Firefox 85.0.1 and Firefox ESR 78.7.1 — Mozilla Swarm of Palo Alto PAN-OS vulnerabilities – PT SWARM Zero Day Initiative — Three More Bugs in Orion’s Belt Forescout Research Labs Releases The Project Memoria TCP/IP Stack Detector - Forescout NUMBER:JACK - Forescout Research Labs Finds Nine ISN Generation Vulnerabilities Affecting TCP/IP Stacks - Forescout Project Zero: 0day Exploit Root Cause Analyses Pandorabox - NoLimitSecu Opérateur de rançongiciel https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2021/02/interview-with-lockbit-ransomware.html ANSSI Infrastructure d’attaque du groupe cybercriminel TA505 – CERT-FR État de la menace rançongiciels à l’encontre des entreprises et institutions – CERT-FR