11 Tactical Lawn Care Tips in under 27 Minutes
Home Service Millionaire with Mike Andes - Un podcast de Mike Andes

I go over 11 tactical lawn care tips under 27 minutes to help you learn from my mistakes! 00:00 Handling Non-Paying Customers 00:44 Dealing with Yard Garbage Issues 01:35 Customer Complaints About Pricing 02:29 When to Move Out of a Storage Container 04:20 Finding a Temporary Storage Solution 05:15 Paying High Performers 10:35 Letting Employees Go 16:12 Retaining Employees During Winter 18:10 Responding to Customer Complaints 19:11 Understanding Efficiency Scores 21:13 Handling Lawsuits and Legal Threats 🤑FREE STUFF! : MikeAndes.com/FREE 💻MY WEBSITE: MikeAndes.com ⛔️JOIN AUGUSTA LAWN CARE: https://www.AugustaLawnCareServices.com/franchise 👉LANDSCAPE SUMMIT CONFERENCE: https://mikeandes.com/summit 💻BEST CRM FOR HOME SERVICE: https://copilotcrm.com/ 💰P4P: PAY FOR PERFORMANCE: https://p4psoftware.com/ WEB DESIGN SERVICES: ❌ LAWN & LANDSCAPING: https://www.LawnCareWebDesign.com ❌ ALL HOME SERVICES: https://www.homeservicewebdesign.com/ ONLINE COURSES: ⚠️ How to Build a $100K/Month Landscape Business: https://www.landscapebusinesscourse.com 👨🏫MBA for Entrepreneurs: https://www.mba4entrepreneurs.com 🎁START A BUSINESS: MikeAndes.com/start 👉get it FREE and use code "free" at checkout📣 #lawncarebusiness #mikeandes #businesstips