175 JSJ Elm with Evan Czaplicki and Richard Feldman
JavaScript Jabber - Un podcast de Charles M Wood - Les mardis

02:27 - Evan Czaplicki Introduction
02:32 - Richard Feldman Introduction
02:38 - Elm
04:06 - Academic Ideas
05:10 - Functional Programming, Functional Reactive Programming & Immutability
16:11 - Constraints
- Faruk Ateş
- Types / Typescript
24:24 - Compilation
27:05 - Signals
36:34 - Shared Concepts & Guarantees at the Language Level
43:00 - Elm vs React
47:24 - Integration
52:23 - Upcoming Features
54:15 - Testing
56:38 - Websites/Apps Build in Elm
58:37 - Getting Started with Elm
59:41 - Canonical Uses?
01:01:26 - The Elm Community & Contributions
- The Elm Discuss Mailing List
- Elm user group SF
- Stack Overflow ?
- The Sublime Text Plugin
- WebStorm Support for Elm?
- grunt-elm
- gulp-elm
Extras & Resources
- Evan Czaplicki: Let's be mainstream! User focused design in Elm @ Curry On 2015
- Evan Czaplicki: Blazing Fast HTML: Virtual DOM in Elm
The Pragmatic Studio: What is Elm? Q&A (Aimee)
Elm (Joe)
Student Bodies (Joe)
Mike Clark: Getting Started With Elm (Joe)
Angular Remote Conf (Chuck)
Stripe (Chuck)
Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians (Alcatraz, No. 1) by Brandon Sanderson (Chuck)
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by Scott McCloud (Evan)
The Glass Bead Game: (Magister Ludi) A Novel by Hermann Hesse (Evan)
The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition by Don Norman (Richard)
Rich Hickey: Simple Made Easy (Richard)
NoRedInk Tech Blog (Richard)