Warmup episode 2 - What's your name?
Italian Grammar - Un podcast de Italian Beginners

Welcome back!In the episode we're expanding the dialogue with the phrases for "What's your name?" and "My name is ...", and also the word for "Pleasure!"..Episode transcript:- Ciao, come stai?- Bene grazie, e tu?- Bene, grazie! - Come ti chiami?- Mi chiamo Dante. E tu?- Mi chiamo Beatrice.- Piacere!- Molto piacere.- Ciao!- Arrivederci, ciao!!:D...For more Italian Grammar episodes, and to listen ad-free: https://patreon.com/ItalianGrammarAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy