Italian Grammar #18 - Simple Prepositions! Di, a, da, in, con, su, per, tra, fra.
Italian Grammar - Un podcast de Italian Beginners

Ciao!In this episode we'll look at the simple prepositions, and the different ways of using "di" = usually "of"!:)...The Prepositions:di = ofa = to, at, inda = from, byin = incon = withsu = on, over, aboveper = in order to, fortra/fra = among, betweenEx:Uno studente di italiano.Un treno da Roma a Firenze.Studia in biblioteca."di" can describe possession, origin, material, time and subject/topic:La bicicletta è di Mario.Sono di Firenze.Un tavolo di legno.Di mattina bevo caffè.Un libro di letteratura.Perfetto!😊For inquries about private tutoring, contact us at: italianlessons (at)! And support us to make it possible to continue this series - on:!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: