Italian Grammar #17 - The "-ARE" verbs, Part II!
Italian Grammar - Un podcast de Italian Beginners

Ciao!In this episode we'll look at some exceptions to the spelling, and how some of the "-are" verbs use prepositions!:)...Verbs on -care and -gare keep the "hard sound":cercocerchicercacerchiamocercatecercanoVerbs on -iare usually have just one "i" in "you" singular, and "we" plural:mangio (I eat)mangimangiamangiamomangiatemangiano"Ascoltare, aspettare, guardare" have no preposition after them.Aspetto l'autobus.Ascoltano un bel podcast!"Insegnare, cominciare, imparare" have an "a" afterwards when used before another verb.Imparo a scrivere.Cominciamo a viaggare il prossimo mese.For "pensare" we use:"pensare a" for thinking about something/someone"pensare di" for thinking about doing something.In Italian, when meaning "in order to" or "with the purpose of" something, use "per":Viaggiano per imparare. Studia per avere un grande futuro.Bravissimi!!đ..For more Italian Grammar episodes:!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: