Italian Grammar #13 - "bel", "bei", "begli": the endings follow the specific article!
Italian Grammar - Un podcast de Italian Beginners

Ciao!In this episode we'll look at the adjective "bello", "beautiful", and how the endings follow the pattern of the specific article!:)..."bello" comes before the noun (it's "on the list"), and follows the pattern of the specific article. (il,lo,la,l' - i,gli,le).Ex:il giorno - il bel giornolo zio - il bello ziol'amico - il bell'amicola donna - la bella donnal'anima - la bell'animai libri - i bei librigli alberi - i begli alberile cattedrali - le belle cattedraliTry:the beautiful bookthe beautiful sisterthe beautiful studiothe beautiful treethe beautiful appartmentsthe beautiful boys/guysthe beautiful girlsthe beautiful sportsSentences:We have beautiful weatherWe have beautiful daysThey have a beautiful studioYou (plural) have beautiful apartmentsNote!If "bello" is after the noun, f.ex. with a modifier - it follows the standard ending: "bello", "bella", "belli", "belle".Try:the very beautiful bookthe very beautiful studiothe very beautiful appartmentsthe very beautiful housesSum up:"bello" - when in front, endings follow pattern of specific articles, both sing./plural.When after; standard endings.Excellent work!đ..For more Italian Grammar episodes, and to listen ad-free: Inquiries: & Opt-Out: