Could Identity Politics Help Democrats Engage Men?
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In the 2024 election, the Democrats did not have messaging that resonated with men, some say and is part of the reason Kamala Harris lost. Could leaning into identity politics to engage men work for future elections? Those arguing “yes” say focusing on men-related issues could help the Dems reconnect with a demographic that feels left behind. Those arguing “no” say focusing on gender and identity politics divide voters rather than unite them. Now we debate: Could Identity Politics Help Democrats Engage Men? Arguing Yes: Jackson Katz, Educator, Author, and Co-Founder of the Young Men's Research Institute Arguing No: Thomas Chatterton Williams, Staff Writer at The Atlantic; Visiting Professor of Humanities at Bard College; Nonresident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute Emmy award-winning journalist John Donvan moderates Learn more about your ad choices. Visit