unbothered: you can’t experience what you don’t accept

As Told By Podcast with Zozo Shumba - Un podcast de From Love Itself


In this week's episode, we're talking about the strength that comes from God—the kind that pushes you to grow, even when it’s uncomfortable. Then, we’ll explore what it really means to be strong, looking at the Hebrew roots of the words 'strength' and 'make.', pray and bless our new era. “But his bow remained firm and steady [in the Strength that does not fail],For his arms were made strong and agileBy the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob,(By the name of the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel),"Genesis 49: 24 join the newsletter for weekly affirmations and declerations: https://fromloveitself.substack.com/ perfect love casts out fear (free confessions e-book): https://archive.org/details/perfect-a-meditation-collection-by-zozo-shumba read the letter: https://fromloveitself.substack.com/p/the-perfect-love-collection my socials insta: https://www.instagram.com/zozoshumba threads: https://www.threads.net/@zozoshumba tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@astoldbyzozo SALVATION PRAYER Heavenly Father, I realize that I am a sinner and have broken Your laws. I understand that my sin has separated me from You. I am sorry and I ask You to forgive me. I accept the fact that Your Son Jesus Christ died for me, was resurrected, and is alive today and hears my prayers. I now open my heart's door and invite Jesus in to become my Lord and my Savior. I give Him control and ask that He would rule and reign in my heart so that His perfect will would be accomplished in my life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. #unbothered #carefree #surrender #letgo

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