122. Awaken Alone, Awaken All! with Carol Mae Whittick

HER Conversations - Un podcast de Carol Mae Whittick - Les mardis

This episode is inspired by the many people who I have spoken to or messaged over these past couple of years. People who are feeling isolated, lonely, misunderstood, ostracised, ridiculed. People of all ages who are recognising the brutal reality of the world we have been entranced by are seeing that discovering truth creates a domino effect.Although it feels like you are doing this on your own you are not. Millions of people are experiencing this splitting off from the hypnosis of The World and discovering themselves. This is your initiation period. You will be so much stronger for it. Soon, people will need you and come to you. You will be able to guide them because you have experienced everything every one of us has to go through. We are helping each other out through this. https://www.carolmaewhittick.com/

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