You're So Full Of It!
Having It A.L.L. - Un podcast de Matthew Bivens

This past week was riddled with examples (both personally and with folks I'm close to) of people who were so caught up in their own bull****. What am I talking about specifically? I'm talking about the stories that we tell ourselves about who we're being or how we're behaving, that only serve to protect our egos and end up hurting us in the long run. We all have done it, and I'll venture to say we're all doing it in some way right now. But doing so can prevent us from growing and healing, and living in a perpetual state of denial and delusion is absolutely not healthy. And it's not how we can have it all! So his episode is all about us — you, me, everyone — recognizing when we’re bull****ing ourselves into believing something that’s not true, and cutting that crap out. *Please note, this episode has some colorful language in it, so you may not want to listen to it with kids around or on a loud speaker in church. I'm just saying. What you'll learn in this episode: 4 examples of people being caught up in the bs stories they tell, and how it impacted them The effects of remaining in your bs How to finally see the bs for what it is and emerge from it