Why You're Failing to Tap Into Your Full Creative Potential and How to Actually Do Something About It!
Having It A.L.L. - Un podcast de Matthew Bivens

“We are all creators. Whether or not we create is not up to us. We are human, and creating is what we do.” - Michael Gungor You are a creator! Yes, you. Whether you not you believe it is irrelevant, because like Michael Gungor said, “We are human and creating is what we do.” In every role we play in life -- parent, spouse, friend, lover, community member, coach -- we create experiences and meaning. Today’s episode is an exercise in creation. I followed the advice of a friend and fellow podcaster, and recorded this episode with no notes and no script. Every part of this episode was created organically, on the spot. I did that because I wanted to exercise my muscles of creation, and what resulted was a powerful reflection on creative, the creative process, and tapping into our creative potential. What you’ll learn in this episode: What happens when we fail to acknowledge our creativity (especially when we praise it in others) How creativity ties into our gifts, talents and passions, and the difference of each of those How to tap into your full creative potential STRUGGLING WITH CONSISTENCY? Download the free "trust account" app from the YourDay Balance Game, and start building trust with YOURSELF today! Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.balancegame.ydbg iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ydbg-watch-play-discover/id1489276659 FEELING THE IMPACT OF CODEPENDENCY? Watch the free #1 obstacle video and learn what derails all successful people and keeps them from moving from codependent to independent https://theydbg.com/obstacle-video/ WANT TO FEEL MORE CLARITY, CONFIDENCE AND PURPOSE? Get the "Having It A.L.L. Blueprint", my self-paced online program for designing and living your greatest life! https://hia.ck.page/products/blueprint CHECK OUT SOME OFFERS FROM OUR AWESOME PARTNERS Needed: https://bit.ly/3IKmWzL - use code HIA20 to get 20% off your order or HIA100 for $100 off a Complete Plan LEAVE THE PODCAST A REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/having-it-all-conversations-about-living-an-abundant/id1093257684 CHECK OUT THE ENTIRE HAVING IT A.L.L. PODCAST CATALOG https://www.matthewbivens.com/ GET IN TOUCH WITH MATTHEW [email protected] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices