Monthly Habit Focus: Get A Handle On Your Money
Having It A.L.L. - Un podcast de Matthew Bivens
What thoughts, feelings and emotions come up for you when you think about your MONEY? Money is one of those taboo topics in society -- it's not cool to ask another person about their money, many people feel uncomfortable talking about their own money with even their spouse or best friend, and yet money is something that touches every single one of us. We either feel abundant about money, or scarce. Excited or intimidated. Confident in our ability to manage and multiply it, or scared and inexperienced around it (which leads to immature money money behavior and habits). It's time that ends! You can feel different about money. You can have a different money situation (if you choose). You have the ability to make it so! Therefore, for the month of March we are going to focus on getting our money in order. No matter how much money you make or where you are in your relationship to money, there are always things you can address. So get ready to address them starting today! Here are the resources I mention in this episode: Sexual Confidence And Male Performance Anxiety: A Vulnerable Sex Conversation Inspired By Jason Rogers Mint Dave Ramsey's 7 Baby Steps Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Soldier of Finance by Jeff Rose Jeff Rose's YouTube channel You Are A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero Money: Master The Game by Tony Robbins Learn more about your ad choices. Visit