EP401 Year in review 2021 Part #2
Habit Based Lifestyle - Un podcast de Jesse Ewell
Jesse is back with part two of his 2021-year end review. In the last episode we touched on the lesson’s Jesse’s learned inside of physical, mental, and relational health. Today we’ll look at spiritual and business health. Jesse always thought that physical fitness had the biggest impact on every part of your life, but he’s found that it’s really spiritual health. His biggest lesson of 2021 was just how much having a spiritual discipline and habits can affect every other area of your life. He’s noticed a cascade of good habits coming from growing his faith, and he hopes to take it even further in the new year. When it comes to business health, Jesse has learned you have to constantly be improving your offering. You need to listen to what your clients want and be willing to change. He also touches on how we shouldn’t rely on one marketing method -- Are you looking to connect with a group of like-minded habit hacking people? Join my private Facebook group along with 100's of others in my habit-based lifestyle secrets page https://www.Facebook.com/groups/307809586529906/ where I'll be dropping daily habits, tips, and tricks every single week. Want additional information on our programs and other ways to get involved, check out my website http://jesseewell.com/ or www.Habitbasedlifestyle.com