112. The Game Design Nexus | S4E1
Furidashi Game Design Academy - Un podcast de Nicholas Theisen

In this fourth season of Furidashi, Nicholas is making a game! So, the first thing we need to figure out is... well... where to even begin. We discuss the good and bad of game engines, licensing agreements, how to leverage your existing skills, and where to draw inspiration from. In the past, we've focused more on top down, theoretical considerations in game design, but this go around we're going to get into the simple, nuts and bolts of making a game. Get Nicholas's demo for free on Itch: https://furidashipod.itch.io/le-concours-des-filles Substack: https://gamedesigndiscourse.substack.com/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/furidashi Twitter: https://twitter.com/furidashipod Lauryn: https://twitter.com/thelaurynash Nicholas: https://twitter.com/academicality