"Joy" ™ or How to Beat a Forever Regime

Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone - Un podcast de Sasha Stone - Les lundis

How do you solve a problem like Kamala Harris? If you criticize or attack her, you’ll be seen as a “racist” by the powerful people on the Left, which fuels their momentum and reminds them of their collective sense of purpose.Why is she ahead in the polls now? Because it feels good to vote for her, it’s as simple as that. It’s time for a woman, they proclaim, especially a woman of color.Kamala Harris has now made history four times as the first woman and first woman of color District Attorney, Attorney General, Senator, and Vice President. She only has one more win for a clean sweep, President of the United States.They tried so many different ways to recapture the magic of the 2008 Obama coalition only to realize it was there the whole time. All they needed was the “female Obama.” Everything else fell into place.Their Obama/Trump origin story of the angry white man who tried to destroy the angelic Black man is all coming back in a Proustian rush. Let’s finish the job, they all think. Let’s finally vanquish the bad orange racist man forever with our warrior, Queen Kamala.So what do you do? How to beat her? For one thing, you don’t allow her to define your campaign. MAGA is not the party of darkness. MAGA is the party of joy. The Democrats have given us one long dark winter since Biden took office. They can’t just suddenly pretend that Harris wasn’t part of that.Their propaganda machine is astonishing:Imagine how the Bidens must be feeling right about now. Are they feeling any joy™? Do they like it that George Clooney and Reid Hoffman pushed him out and selected Kamala Harris? Do you think they’re feeling joy™, watching the mania play out with happy smiles, laughter, and awkward dancing from Tim Walz? Yay we got rid of Joe, aren’t we happy?I want Trump to win not just because of the lawfare that sets a dangerous precedent going forward, especially with Harris as president. But also because I worry that the nation’s schoolchildren will be indoctrinated into the madness of the Left starting as early as preschool. Just imagine the kinds of Executive Orders Harris will sign.But beating them is not going to be easy. We now see they will do anything, say anything, tell any lie, become anybody, corrupt the system any way they want just to win.The Trump campaign has their work cut out for them.Start with this:They are not the party of JOY™What Trump did with “fake news,” he can do with the word, “Joy™” Take it back.Joy™, per the Harris/Walz campaign, translates to: “Let them eat cake.”Let them eat fentanylLet them eat high crimeLet them eat inflationLet them eat the flood of illegal immigrantsLet them eat high gas pricesExamples:Attacking Her Directly Will BackfireThe rules on the Left are different from the rules on the right, as we learned from this poll that showed white Liberals dumb down their speech when talking to minorities, and Conservatives don’t.The press won’t be hard on her for that same reason. They’re deathly afraid of being called racists. They could lose their jobs for that. Independents might feel the same way, protective of her and hostile toward Trump and Vance.Let the Trump/Vance team now be the party of hope and change, because for millions of Americans, that is exactly what it is.Barack Obama owns “hope and change,” but the only change they meant was making history. The change that’s needed now is about class, not race. But using these words will put the Harris side on defense and will probably make them angry, making it harder to take the high road.How to Campaign against Kamala HarrisThe first thing you need to know about campaigning against Harris is that she did not come to play. She has been preparing for this moment nearly all of her life.Harris is no amateur when it comes to winning elections. There is nothing she does better than what she is doing right now: making history by winning an election against a white man.She already believes this is her ultimate battle against the “evil racists” who stormed the Capitol. Someone on Twitter made a video intercutting her January 6th speech with the riots and the violence in the Summer of 2020. But listen carefully to what she says.The Good White Liberals see themselves as saviors, so even just mentioning the riots in 2020 is strictly verboten, but everyone should remember how they hid much of that from us and shamed us for caring about the people whose lives and businesses were destroyed.Harris has been making history all of her life with only wins and no losses, but she also prepared a statement, a quote from her mother, when asked about it.She said the same thing on the Oprah Show where they called her the “first African-American female District Attorney.”Her star continued to rise when she was profiled on Lifetime right around that same time:That led to her being name-checked in the New York Times even before Barack Obama won in 2008.Harris aligned with Obama early, and their relationship has been essential, not just because she had the golden light of The King upon her, which elevated her profile—she was even called the “female Obama”—but because he likely “saved” her from bombing out in the primary and was likely the main reason she was selected as the candidate (don’t buy the lie that he did not endorse her).She began her run for Attorney General right after Obama won in 2008.On her YouTube page is a practice speech from 2008, “If I were president.” She was crafting an early message that America has problems and you don’t have to love your country unconditionally.Eight years later, she gave more or less the same speech with some changes.The thing is, if you are running for president you do have to love your country unconditionally because that’s your job. Trump should call her out on that.Harris first made history when she became the first woman of color in the DA’s office in San Francisco, where she ran what Politico called a “Ruthless” campaign,” and sent out campaign ads to remind voters of the all-male, all-white history://end This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit sashastone.substack.com/subscribe

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