Adopting Positions from Her Rivals is a Signature Move for Kamala Harris
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The new Kamala Harris is a grand illusion. It looks more like an Oscar campaign for Best Actress than an election for President of the United States. But that happens when your political party is in bed with Hollywood. They have all the best writers and executives in the business to sell a more palatable version to the people.The real Kamala Harris has proven to be not quite ready for prime time, or as she might see it, America is not quite ready for her.We’re getting the kinder, gentler Kamala instead of the firebrand she’s been throughout her career. We’re getting the JOY™ campaign to trick us all into feeling good in a time of great anxiety and malaise.We have a media selling this falsehood to the public every day, doing the work of the Harris campaign by depicting the Trump side as “dark.”She can’t hide herself for much longer. Sooner or later, the firebrand will have to emerge. Harris probably hates how they keep telling her to talk less nasally, smile more, and soften herself for the cameras. The more they try to control her, the more likely she is to rebel against it - you know, maybe a little like Sarah Palin?The real Harris is someone who had no problem calling Joe Biden a racist in an emotional tirade on the debate stage, then turning around and cackling about it as “just a debate.” She is that competitive. But hey, no one gets into politics to lose. To quote Jack Nicholson in Terms of Endearment, “everybody uses everything they have.”Some might have been shocked when Harris casually snatched Trump’s big platform of No Tax on Tips. I certainly was. How could she do it so brazenly and without shame? That is the real Kamala Harris. And it’s only the beginning. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit