A Teen's Perspective on Divorce During the Holidays [150]
Flying Free - Un podcast de Natalie Hoffman
What’s it like to experience divorce as a kid? You’ve heard from me. You’ve heard from experts. You’ve heard from survivors. What about the young ones caught in the throes of things they don’t understand. The ones who only know that Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and life, will never be the same again. Divorce through the eyes of a teen…my own daughter. This episode is a spotlight on: - A honest report from a teen who had a close relationship with her abusive father - How things changed, year over year, as separation turned into divorce and a “new normal” - The flaws in the idea that everything (traditions, joy, togetherness, fun) has been destroyed by divorce - Why joint custody actually helped lessen the emotional burden of divorce - The fact that every child’s experience is different and why it’s important to consider - A really hopeful “finish” to the story of my family (though it’s far from over) Listen or download the transcript at flyingfreenow.com/150 FREE: I'll send you the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage. Just hop on my mailing list at flyingfreesisterhood.com/free-download. (I will NEVER spam you or sell your information.) Desperate for real help and safe people who understand what you're going through? Find out about my online education and support program for women of faith at joinflyingfree.com And, if you are an already divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, have amazing relationships, build a business or career, or even find a good man - check out joinflyinghigher.com