A Giant Cabbage and New Year Luck at Rīgas Market
FluentFiction - Latvian - Un podcast de FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Latvian: A Giant Cabbage and New Year Luck at Rīgas Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/lv/episode/2025-01-28-23-34-02-lv Story Transcript:Lv: Rīgas Centrāltirgus smaržoja pēc ziemas sezonas un Jaungada gaidīšanas.En: The Rīgas Centrāltirgus smelled of the winter season and the anticipation of New Year.Lv: Stendi bija pilni ar svaigiem dārzeņiem, smaržīgām zālēm un gardiem gaļas produktiem.En: Stalls were full of fresh vegetables, fragrant herbs, and delicious meat products.Lv: Staigājot starp tirgotājiem, Jānis un Inese meklēja kaut ko īpašu.En: Walking among the vendors, Jānis and Inese were searching for something special.Lv: Gaiņājoties no auksta vēja, kas skarstoja pa tirgu, abi draugi pievienojās pūlim, kurā bija pamanāms kāds neparasti liels kāposts.En: Battling against the cold wind sweeping through the market, the two friends joined a crowd that was drawn to an unusually large cabbage.Lv: Jānis bija iegrimis domās.En: Jānis was deep in thought.Lv: Viņš dzirdējis, ka šāds gigantisks kāposts Jaungada gaidās nesot neizmērojamu veiksmi.En: He had heard that such a gigantic cabbage brought immense luck in anticipation of the New Year.Lv: Savā drauga sabiedrībā viņam bija droši ļauties saviem ticējumiem.En: In the company of his friend, he felt safe indulging in his beliefs.Lv: Inese tomēr tikai pasmaidīja, puslīdz pārliecināta, ka tas ir tikai mīts.En: However, Inese just smiled, half-convinced that it was just a myth.Lv: Viņai patika vērot Jāņa entuziasmu, jo viņa bija skeptiska, bet netraucēja viņam ticēt.En: She enjoyed watching Jānis' enthusiasm because she was skeptical, but she didn't hinder his belief.Lv: "Jauki, vai ne?En: "Nice, isn't it?"Lv: " Jānis bilda, rādīdams ar pirkstu uz kāpostu, kas atgādināja lielāku par vidējiem dārzeņiem.En: Jānis said, pointing to the cabbage that looked larger than average vegetables.Lv: "Šis noteikti nesīs veiksmi!En: "This will definitely bring luck!"Lv: ""Nebūtu slikti," Inese noģieda ar ironiju balsī un apskatīja apkārtējo tirgu.En: "Wouldn't be bad," Inese guessed with irony in her voice and looked around the market.Lv: "Bet cik tas maksā?En: "But how much does it cost?"Lv: "Jānis apņēmīgi tuvojās pārdevējam.En: Jānis, determined, approached the seller.Lv: "Labdien, cik maksā šis kāposts?En: "Hello, how much for this cabbage?"Lv: "Pārdevējs pameta skatienu uz lielāko dārzeni un atbildēja: "Divdesmit eiro.En: The vendor glanced at the gigantic vegetable and replied, "Twenty euros.Lv: Tas ir labs piedāvājums, jo Jaungada laikā cilvēki meklē veiksmi.En: It's a good offer because during the New Year, people are seeking luck."Lv: "Divdesmit eiro bija vairāk nekā Jānis gribēja maksāt.En: Twenty euros was more than Jānis wanted to pay.Lv: Bija brīdis pārdomām, bet tad Jānis uzsmaidīja Inesei.En: There was a moment of contemplation, but then Jānis smiled at Inese.Lv: Viņam radās plāns.En: He had a plan.Lv: "Vai tu uzdrīksties?En: "Do you dare?!"Lv: " viņš čukstēja.En: he whispered.Lv: Inese saprata viņa nodomu un sāka grimasi stāstu.En: Inese understood his intent and began to exaggerate.Lv: "Kāds ir absurds!En: "How absurd!Lv: Jānis, mēs nevaram tērēt tik daudz par kāpostu!En: Jānis, we can't spend so much on a cabbage!Lv: Vai maz zināt, cik tas ir liels galvassāpes?En: Do you even...