33. How to Get out of a Funk & Reclaim Your Conscious Power
Figuring Sh!t Out - Un podcast de Vanessa Fontana
We've all been there: one thing goes wrong, then another, then another - and we feel like a slave to our conditions, a slave to our mind's negative thinking patterns, unable to wake ourselves up or shake ourselves out of the rut we're in, and sometimes, the rut we are falling further into. How do you get out of that place? The one that feels so dark, so sticky, so dreary. How do you go on and show up with presence for yourself, the people, the responsibilities in your life when your thoughts are so loud that you get lost in them, and when they feel so much more powerful than you? The only way out is through. But you must know a few things before you embark upon the process of moving through it: You are not your thoughts, your feelings, or your life situation. We hear this a lot, but in this episode, I talk about the true meaning of this and explain the concept using the book "The Power of Now," by Eckhart Tolle with some references from "The Untethered Soul" by Michael J. Singer (Highly recommend both of these books!) You must extend a kind, patient, and gentle hand to yourself as you go through the flux of life. To get mad at ourselves for being in a dark place, is just another mechanism to deepen that dark place. Treat yourself the way you would a loved one, connect with your inner child and give them what they need and what they are asking for, and treat yourself with love -- it will make it all the more easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You are not stuck. You are never stuck. The only "stuck" that you can be is the endless loop of incessant worry and darkness that you feel trapped in. But you are not trapped. As counterintuitive as it sounds, we can be addicted to our suffering, addicted to the mind's stories about it and the need to justify our feelings - but we must create the space to see illusion from reality - and separate ourselves from the stories we no longer need to carry with us. Sometimes, it takes time for us to wake ourselves up. Give yourself that time. In this episode, I talk about how I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and wound up in one of these funks. And how I used it as an opportunity to see if I could move myself out of it. And what do you know? It worked. I give you my step-by-step guide for getting out of a funk, whether this be an hour-long practice that you use to just go about your day when the day feels too heavy to comprehend, or an extended process that you move through at your own rhythm. Creating a practice to surrender to that brings you back to yourself, back to Earth, and allows you to have the patience to create space around your feelings - is sometimes all we need to get through the other side. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. And sometimes, where you are doesn't feel good. Sometimes, it's not supposed to. We learn so much from darkness, so much to transmute into light. More than anything -- we learn that we are far more powerful than we know in becoming conscious, aware, and getting ourselves out of feeling stuck. Be patient with yourself as you learn. xx This episode is part of the December Mini-Series - 4 shorter episodes to close out the year and to end Season 1 of Figuring Sh!t Out. There is so much coming in the New Year that I am so excited to share!! Stay tuned with me on - SOCIALS: Podcast Instagram: @figuringshiiitout Personal Instagram: @222vgf Spiritual & Self-Help Advice -> TikTok: butterflyfountain Youtube: Vanessa Fontana - More like this to come