19 : Jon McCarthy – Saddle horse show photography & learning from the best – PODCAST
Equine Photographers Podcast - Un podcast de Suzanne Sylvester - Interviews with equine photographers and other industry professionals to discover their love for horses and how they use their cameras to show the beauty of the horse and to make a living in the niche' of equine photography.

I contacted Jon because I saw some of his farm call images. As I explored his website, I found out that his main gig is Saddle Horse Shows from all over the country. I’ve been wanting to have some interviews with show photographers, so I was delighted when Jon was willing to come on the podcast and tell us about his history with horses and his equine photography business. What makes a great horse show photographer? How do you learn to run a horse show business? These are some of the questions that we answered in today’s podcast with Jon McCarthy of Jon McCarthy Photography. SHOW NOTES: Website: www.jonmccarthyphoto.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Jon-McCarthy-Photography John started college as a pre-med major, then discovered horses. Shortly he transferred to William Woods University for an Equine education. It was there that he started to experiment with photography. Jon got the photography bug in College after getting the horse bug He had lots of subject available to photography. Then he started shooting some of the lessons, people working with their horses, etc. This started him on the path toward horse show photography. Learning what was expected from various breeds and disciplines is important This is also when he was able to learn about various breeds and what was needed and expected for “best images” for the breed or discipline. He graduated with a degree in equestrian science with the intention of being a trainer. He got a job at a large Morgan operation. Finding a mentor in the show world He went to show and introduced himself to the top name in Morgan horse show photography. In talking to him, it became clear that this is the direction that he wanted to go in. He was invited to help out with an upcoming show. He was able to work for him on some shows and still to this day he is Jon’s go to person for learning and building his business. Jon started booking some larger shows that were coming in from this mentor when he was unable to take them due to prior bookings etc., he would pass them along to Jon. Jon does about 26 shows a year at this time. Ideal shows are 100 head or more. Shows used to be huge, but now many shows are multi-breed formats in order to bring in enough horses. Where before there might be hundreds of Morgans, now there might be 60 head Morgans, 30 Saddlebred, and then additional horses of various other breeds. Reflecting back, his first year he didn’t feel the quality of his images (getting the right shots and timing) was very good. After working with his mentor and shooting at those shows and getting trained and feedback from this great mentor, he improved greatly and was able to get out on his own much better. He still has shows that he does with this mentor every year. They talk business and images and work together to get the best possible products (best images out there) for their show participants. Jon McCarthy Photography is set up for people to make selections at the shows, but he does not do actual printing at most of the shows he works. There is just too much work getting the images and preparing them so people can make selections. He does all the printing and culling and post production himself. His trailer has selection stations (computers) and he has someone there to help in the process of placing orders while he is out shooting. Between classes, they upload and prepare the images for viewing. Why does Jon LOVE doing horse show photography? What makes horse show photography a fun business for you , Jon? He loves the relationships he develops with people all over the country. He loves traveling across the country and exploring.