World of Forces
Energetic Synthesis Podcast - Un podcast de Lisa Renee

July 2012 by Lisa Renee Dear Ascension Family, All of us are exposed and subjected to the World of Forces, existing within a constant interaction between a multitude of energies, forces, and entities, which further impact an action and reaction in every area of our lives. There are no coincidences and nothing is random. Every manifestation or event has had an effect which proceeds directly from a cause. There are natural laws in the mechanics of creation which govern these many forces, some of which current science has identified. The laws of magnetism, gravity, electrical orientation, and the basic manifested elements of atomic structure, as defined from this 3rd dimensional reality perspective, are to name a few. In physics, a force is defined as any influence that causes an object to undergo a certain change, either concerning its movement, direction, or geometrical construction.