The Masculine Wound
Energetic Synthesis Podcast - Un podcast de Lisa Renee

July 2015 The Masculine Wound Lisa Renee Dear Ascending Family, Through the natural and organic expansion of consciousness happening now, we are also met with attempts to use artificial and inorganic means to block it. The 2012-2017 window offers unique possibilities to access multiple timelines simultaneously. We have just come through a wave of transmissions, which have opened timelines ripe for Masculine Healing. As many of us are aware, the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) also tries to capitalize on these waves. We will discuss current NAA efforts underway to attempt to further enslave masculine energies. Some of the information on mind control and holographic inserts may sound daunting if you are new to this type of information. Please do not get into fear around this information. Stay present and neutral, use the core tools and you will not get caught up in any of the drama.