The Fine Print

Energetic Synthesis Podcast - Un podcast de Lisa Renee

December 2010by Lisa Renee Dear Family, Well just about now we need all the humor and levity we can muster. If you are an Awakened Indigo or Starseed - what has been showing up in your personal life makes you think you are living the next 'galactic' generation of the 'Harry Potter' storyline. Given what is thrown at you daily you may have been busy sending several emphatic appeals to the Celestial Management Structure asking for an 'Earth Mission' contract re-negotiation. As all your technological gadgets are either drained or dead or working intermittently... you may have resorted to smoke signals to get some attention down here. As you throw your arms up to the heavens begging for a direct intervention for more clarity in your purposes, you see a rolled up parchment labeled 'Starseed Mission Upgrade - Note: See Appendix with Clause' descending in your Crown chakra. With voracious excitement as you sense the new information 'download' being fired into the neural synapses of your brain, you pass out on the couch or floor to integrate. Days later (weeks??) when you are able to stand upright for a few hours to gain some coherency you begin to have realization to the actual content. And you exclaim outloud... 'You want me to do WHAT???'

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