Solar Logos

Energetic Synthesis Podcast - Un podcast de Lisa Renee

October 2018 Solar Logos Lisa Renee Dear Ascending Family, In their infinite love for creation the original Diamond Sun races, the Paliadorians, established the Covenant of Paliador millions of years ago to reclaim the fragmented Souls as a result of the Taran Explosion. The Covenant of Paliador encompasses a massive scope of locating lost souls, transiting consciousness, collecting and recovering Soul fragments that need bodies, routing attachments and consciousness units that need to be recovered, in order to return them to the possibility of continuing evolution through the Cosmic Time Matrix. The Paliadorians hold the access into the Universal Stargates and the many internal portal structures that exist inside every planet in our Solar System. These portals, such as the Trinity Gates, will serve as the transit gate exit for many of the Soul groups that will move through them for their continued evolution and learning in the next planetary schema. In order to heal the Soul groups that suffered fragmentation and digressed into the phantom realms, it would be necessary to completely rebuild the Diamond Sun architecture for the Solar Logos in our Universal Time Matrix.

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