Overcoming Fear
Energetic Synthesis Podcast - Un podcast de Lisa Renee

September 2017 Overcoming Fear Lisa Renee Dear Ascending Family, To Overcome Fear, we must comprehend the real reasons we feel afraid and realize that our fears are pointing to the places within us that need attention. Many humans have taken on the fear based predator mind belief systems or alien mind control for the purpose of consciousness enslavement. All people that indulge in unrestrained and uncorrected negative emotional states of fear will attract demonic or dark spirits, which generate energetic blockages and cords in our lightbody. At this critical juncture during the bifurcation shift, each person is choosing if they want to exist in spiritual bondage or freedom. To support this process, we look directly at Fear to show us the spiritual lessons we have yet to master inside of ourselves and where darkness is blocking us from finding harmony in our direct relationship with God.