Masculine Body Reconstruction
Energetic Synthesis Podcast - Un podcast de Lisa Renee

October 2012 By Lisa Renee Dear Ascension Family, Today is October 9th which happens to be the birthday of John Lennon, of which I happily announce the celebratory synchronicity of changing the ES newsletter title from Lift Your Veil to "Shifting Timelines". Similarly to Mr. Lennon's activism and efforts to "Give Peace a Chance", as a Libran like myself, I submit our October Newsletter with some minor changes. We have "lifted the veil" long enough, and it is time for us all to come out of the veiled closet into greater transparency. Now is the time to get down to the group task and business and "shift the timelines" to planetary freedom. Hence the name of our newsletter and blog series, as our collaborative efforts are to protect and embody the GSF stewardship of which we have been entrained here within the ES Community, as "I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free!". Happy New Shifting Timelines to all, as sovereign and free beings in the eternal light of God Source. (Please note our podcast is late due to a family medical crisis and will be available sometime this week.)