How Much Are You Willing to Know
Energetic Synthesis Podcast - Un podcast de Lisa Renee

March 2012by Lisa Renee Dear Ascension Family, Those of us that have been clarifying our new identity as we move into the next stage of our emergence into the world, are starting to sense that we are being pushed through our limits, to be catapulted into some level of the stratosphere. Wherever we are, whatever we do, we are getting a big push. Some of us are getting pushed to 'get up to speed', to re-educate our belief system, get over our delusions, to get our inner or outer work done, to 'show up' for something new in a big way. Some of us are having physical accidents, business disappointments, personal chaos and emotional tragedies. Some of us are being pushed hard, in whatever level of self-mastery we have signed up for. Many of us feel like we have not had restful sleep for weeks, with all of this energetic pressure and pushing. All of this activity, no matter what form it takes in your life, within your spiritual purpose, is about one thing - PAY ATTENTION. There is an incredible amount of forces pushing energetic chaos and disruption in the environment. Do not fall asleep at the wheel and let the auto pilot drive the car. This means that you are in the driver's seat, hands firmly on the wheel, paying attention to the road in front of you. Don't look at the GPS, or text on your phone! Pay attention to what's in front of you.