Energetic Synthesis Podcast - Un podcast de Lisa Renee

March 2017 Geomagnetism Lisa Renee Dear Ascending Family, In the ES community we have been paying great attention to the importance of the 2012-2017 evolution window and preparing for the immense transition the planet is undergoing this year, as conscious and informed as possible. This is in sharp contrast to so many who have no idea that these global changes are happening or how they are being directly impacted. We are seeing more people start to lose coherence, exhibit lunacy or have their light bodies knocked out of their physical body. This produces a lack of physical coordination, clumsiness and disorientation in people that are not grounded within their physical body, as the foundation beneath our feet is changing. This month we will try to connect some of the larger Ascension Cycle shifts happening at multidimensional levels, with some of these strange and surreal experiences that people are having. The earth is going through a massive Geomagnetic transformation which creates both opportunities and vulnerabilities at this time. These radical changes in the magnetic field impact the functions of our personal biology, our mind and our consciousness. The war over timelines is more pressurized and the people who are unaware can be easily swept up in powerful forces they would not consciously choose to participate with. It is highly suggested to focus on staying in your core, being inner directed and connected to the God source, as well as to conserve energy and use common sense in avoiding areas of potential chaos or disruption.