Fascia Crystalline Network
Energetic Synthesis Podcast - Un podcast de Lisa Renee

December 2019 Fascia Crystalline Network Lisa Renee Dear Ascending Family, The Fascia Crystalline Network within our body has been impacted by the lower NET mutations in the corrupted 3D elemental structure, and this connective tissue matrix is undergoing an ongoing transformation with a sequential process of re-encryption upgrades. Many of us have been experiencing the intensification of structural changes and adjustments being made to the physical matrix, which include shifts in the bone, skin, and blood matrix with extensive realignments occurring within the entire fascia connective tissue system. This physical embodiment transformation is a macrocosm Paliadorian Activation for Ray Bodies that includes a widespread gridwork project that impacts the entire earth realm, although there are those on the Ascension path that have been clearing out these metatronic reversal mutations from their consciousness body in the previous cycles. This is an extensive development in the transformation of the physical matrix and will manifest some kind of Ascension symptoms for most people. Thus, it is crucial to focus on creating the conditions for increasing mind-body awareness, taking the time for inner stillness and meditation, personal reflection and taking good care of the body through adequate rest and stress management.