Choice & Commitment
Energetic Synthesis Podcast - Un podcast de Lisa Renee

June 2010by Lisa Renee Dear Family, Moving forward into the summer months, we are meeting at a bridge of multidimensional intersection which is about to create a larger energetic pathway in order to choose access towards the Ascension timeline. It is akin to saying the "spiritual to physical" broadband connection is just about to get much larger on this planet and will apply even more "energetic" pressure to make changes in our lives. As spoken of many times, the Ascension Timeline is the pathway of frequency accretion and genetic rehabilitation leading the consciousness and the spiritual bodies to be fully released from the enslavement of reincarnating in the "lower form worlds". The Guardian consciousness serving the "Law of One" has returned to this planet in order to support human sovereignty and liberation from the control of phantom forces. Phantom forces rely on the "consumptive model" in order to exist, and this planetary system has become a source of that consumption, a food supply for those phantom forces that refuse to change or rehabilitate their consciousness in order to live in harmony with the Natural Laws of God. (otherwise known as the Law of One) Over the eons of humanities (and E.T.'s) history playing out these repeated destructive behaviors, it has damaged our group human consciousness (the spirit-light bodies function) and the planetary grid (the global brain of human consciousness) in a variety of ways. If we continue as a species to act destructively to our consciousness (whether we realize what we are doing or not) we lose the ability to connect to that consciousness. We then disconnect ourselves from our Source energy and there is only one pathway if that option continues, it will exhaust itself fragmenting - until there is nothing left.