Energetic Synthesis Podcast - Un podcast de Lisa Renee

October 2016 Bio-Neurology Lisa Renee Dear Ascending Family, When we look at the larger Galactic picture of consciousness enslavement, we see the NAA's many pronged agenda to target the brain, CNS and thought forms of every person on earth. Through the agenda of Transhumanism, we see the promotion of hybridization and synthetic integration with artificial neural networks for control over the CNS and brain. What is starting to surface with more clarity is that our human neurobiology is wired for empathy, which connects us to higher consciousness and has a spiritual function. The NAA and their minions of soulless AI infected synthetic beings do not have the bio-circuitry for empathy. We are in essence, in a struggle between human EMPATHS, and alien hybridized humans and extra-dimensional aliens that are NON-EMPATHS. This month we will look more deeply at Bio-Neurology, and the bio-circuitry of empathy for another layer of reveal. How chemical agents and ELF are used to target the CNS, and are actually destroying the human capacity for empathy. To understand how the stages of Ascension and bio-neurological expansion increase the capacity for empathy, aligning us to be of Service to Others and Planetary Gridworkers.