122. Resiliency #4: Parents Are The Key

Celebrate Kids Podcast with Dr. Kathy - Un podcast de Dr. Kathy Koch

Dr. Kathy says parents are the key as they need to be resilient for their kids to see and imitate. If your kids don’t see you handle defeat well, they will be afraid to try in your presence. Your kids must know that you are not scared to make mistakes or learn new things and see how you handle situations when you seem overwhelmed. You have to show them that you are resilient - you do not panic, you recognize that you do know everything immediately, and see how you are willing to learn. It is not appropriate to bubble-wrap ourselves so we can teach this to our children. Dr. Kathy emphasized that your children must learn to struggle, and you have to let them struggle to learn to go through the process. As a parent, you model victory, hard work, asking for help, and calmness in difficult situations that feel the grief of disappointment and don’t dwell on it.

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