Lost in Translation From What’s SAID to What’s HEARD (Unpacking a Root Cause of Miscommunications): Episode 368
EmPowered Couples with The Freemans - Un podcast de Aaron & Jocelyn Freeman - Les mardis

Imagine a scenario where you and your partner are having a conversation. In the middle you begin to feel as if what you are saying is clear, but your partner doesn’t seem to be getting it. You start to get frustrated, your tone or volume changes, so then they get annoyed or irritated and the conversation begins to escalate. This episode is all about how the meaning of conversations can easily get misunderstood and misinterpreted. The longer you are in a relationship the higher chance there is of this happening. Now you do have two choices, you can keep trying to get your partner to understand in that moment, which leads to tension. Or you both can take these 3 actions from this episode to better understand where these misunderstandings come from. It’s a common and natural thing to happen, but it takes awareness and execution to keep it from persisting in your relationship. Relationship Resources The 30-day challenge and all of the guides that were mentioned can be found with our resources link here: https://www.meetthefreemans.com/links Be sure to take advantage of the Family Meeting Guide as you begin to refelct on your year and start to set your goals and intentions togther for the next year. You can get this guide as a FREE bonus for starting the Prioritize Us 30-Day Couples Challenge