How We Each Played a Role in Overcoming AVOIDANT & ANXIOUS Tendencies to Create a Secure Marriage: Episode 370
EmPowered Couples with The Freemans - Un podcast de Aaron & Jocelyn Freeman - Les mardis

Yes we have a secure relationship and marriage now. But we certainly had to overcome our initial anxious and avoidant tendencies early on. Even now, those tendencies can still show up; we have just done the work to handle situations, emotions, and conflicts in healthy and secure ways to stay on the same team. In this episode you will hear us tell our relationship story as the background for how you can overcome any of your own insecure attachment patterns. You will hear the quick reminder of: the 4 attachment styles, the 5 core pillars within each style, and then the things we did in our own life to be in the secure place we are now, and no matter what life events happen to us. In telling our story you will take away many great steps you can take to further cement yourselves a secure foundation to add to your connection, closeness, and trust in your marriage. Relationship Resources mentioned in the episode: Get The Family Meeting Guide - either on its own here, or as a bonus for starting the Prioritize Us Challenge that starts Dec 1st. If you listened all the way to the end, take the action we mentioned while using the word "special". Be sure you listen all the way through for the special offer of the 3 guides together!