S3 EP15: History, policies and Forced Assimilation with Michelle King
Educator Yarns with Jessica Staines & Belinda Huntriss - Un podcast de Jessica Staines

In this episode of Educator Yarns, Jess speaks with Micelle King, a proud descendant of the Worimi Nation and early childhood educator. Michelle shares reflections on her family's past and the generational trauma that is a direct result of Australia's White Australia Policy which prevented her Grandmother from attending her local school - the one in which Michelle later attended as well as her own children and grandchildren. Michelle King is a proud descendant of the Worimi Nation and was raised on Karuah Aboriginal Community on her traditional Country. Michelle has worked in early childhood for 25 years in the roles of Director, Teacher and Educational Leader and taught in adult education for 15 years at a University and TAFE level and delivered on the Deadly Teacher Strong Jarjums project funded by NSW Government. In her professional and personal life Michelle has strived to build awareness, understanding and capacity for her mob through every opportunity that comes her way.