S3 EP07: Advocating to Management with Casey Goodman

Educator Yarns with Jessica Staines & Belinda Huntriss - Un podcast de Jessica Staines

In this episode of Educator Yarns, Jessica discussed with Casey Goodman the importance of getting management on board with your Aboriginal programs. Casey shares how having full organisational advocacy is a key metric to the success of embedding Aboriginal perspectives successfully in your centre's curriculum. Casey Goodman is an Early Childhood Teacher at Gowrie Victoria Broadmeadows Valley, Early Childhood Australia National Reconciliation Advisory Board member and Early Childhood Australia Victorian General Committee member. Casey has previously featured on Season 2 of the Educator Yarns podcast and has shared her experiences and perspectives in the Educator Yarns: A Collection Curated by Jessica Staines. Casey has had extensive experience leading Reconciliation work and working at all levels of the sector to create meaningful and lasting positive change and outcomes. Having previously held a dedicated role in an early childhood organisation, focussed on achieving and maintaining positive Reconciliation outcomes, Casey has been able to support and mentor staff, lead the creation and publishing of a RAP and embed a culture of learning, acknowledgment and celebration. Currently, as an Early Childhood Teacher and non-Indigenous ally to First Nations peoples, Casey embeds Aboriginal pedagogy into the everyday learning environment and her daily teaching practices. Casey carries dedication, passion and commitment to building sector wide changes to providing culturally safe and supportive early learning and care environments and curriculums for all children. In 2021 Casey was awarded the ECA Barbara Creaser Young Advocate Award recognising her leadership, advocacy and vast contributions to the Reconciliation space at all levels of the early childhood sector.

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