Verity! Episode 28 - One-derful, Hmm?

Doctor Who: Verity! - Un podcast de The Verities

This week we battled the evil monster known as SkypeLag to bring you a podcast full of squee and surprise. Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, and Tansy as we get happy about Who-things, gush about McGann, and find representative aspects where we least expected them. We cover our reactions to "The Night of the Doctor" and our impressions of "Planet of Giants" as a representative story for the first Doctor. Perhaps not a common choice, but one that made for a rollicking discussion!


Also covered [links on our site]:
Erika watched (and LOVED) "The War Games"! Guested on The Incomparable! And wants to go see All the Whos in Whoville!
Kat enjoys the glut of new 8th Doctor gifs!
Tansy demonstrated excellent parenting by raising a child who loves "The Ice Warriors"! And plans to knit a Yeti!
Deb gives LI Who high marks! And did a squeeful interview for HeadOverFeels!

Bonus links [also on our site]:
"The Night of the Doctor"!
Tansy, Erika, & Lynne on Australian radio!
Tansy's 8th Doctor recommendations for Big Finish newbies
Paul McGann on sale at Big Finish
BBC America's wall-of-Doctor Who schedule

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