Verity! Episode 26 - Two New 2! It's True!
Doctor Who: Verity! - Un podcast de The Verities

Woo hoo! This week Deb, Erika, Katrina, Liz, and Lynne join the ranks of gleeful fans around the world as we celebrate the return of nine previously-lost second Doctor episodes! We just happen to have reached dear old 2 in our countdown, so we threw out the story we planned for and decided "The Web of Fear" is a great representative story. Though maybe not all of us were quite as squeeful about it as expected.
Of course we can't help but talk about "The Enemy of the World" a bit too. It's all just SO EXCITING!
Also covered [links on our site]:
Lynne listened to "Evil of the Daleks"! And is thrilled that Michael Damian Thomas is a guest at Chicago TARDIS!
Kat's finds that tumblr fandom has embraced the newly-found episodes! And her knit-a-thon is almost 3/4 funded!
Liz plays with Sutekh and her Pyramids of Mars playset!
Erika is in love with the new Sunspot song, "Arthuriana" (especially the Doctor Who bits)!
Deb is excited Traffic Experiment is releasing our theme tune on vinyl! And met Alisa Stern, aka The Doctor Puppet, at NYCC!