Zero Confidence
Dishing Up Digital with Ellen Mackenzie | Social Media Management & Strategy - Un podcast de Ellen Mackenzie - Les dimanches

Guys, my confidence has taken a bit of a knock lately and I’ve been struggling behind the scenes. From what to post, to should I record this podcast episode - in fact, this wasn’t even the podcast episode I was originally going to post! It happens to all of us and has been especially prevalent in our industry of late. I do hope this helps someone and you can gain your own confidence back! It’s a little bit of a kick up the butt! A little bit of a wake up call, and a little bit of BTS of Ellen! If you have the time, please could you rate and review this podcast or subscribe to it. It really helps us to continue making this free content for you and we just generally appreciate that you would do this for us! Have a great week guys!Ellen xx ~~~ Want to get more Ellen or Work with her and her team? Check out my YouTube channel: Join the Dishing up Digital School: Ellen's Instagram Page: Ellen on TikTok: Buy Ellen's Book: