Daydreaming is my favorite pastime

Derek Sivers - Un podcast de Derek Sivers

Somewhere in our past, we were told it’s bad to daydream, because it meant doing nothing — staring out the window — instead of doing what we’re supposed to be doing. To admit we’re daydreaming felt like it needed an apology.

But now I’ve finally embraced it. Deliberate daydreaming is my favorite pastime.

About half the time that I used to read a book, I now just skip the book, and sit there daydreaming instead. And I almost never watch videos anymore. I just close my eyes and daydream.

I find it most fun to ask myself a big question:

  • Which were the top three best times in my life so far?
  • What are my biggest regrets?
  • What would I write a screenplay about?
  • If I had the magic lamp, what would be my three wishes?
  • What does the most ambitious version of myself look like?
  • What about the least ambitious version of myself?
  • How can I be a better dad?
  • At what would I most love to become an expert?
  • Is there anything I can’t do without?
  • How would my life be different if I was blind? Deaf? Paralyzed?

We’ve all had plenty of input. It’s fun to let your mind direct its own entertainment.

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