Chinese Podcast EP63: How to Speak Standard Chinese as a Native Speaker? 如何说一口标准普通话?
Dashu Mandarin Podcast - Un podcast de 李璨理查BEN

Roots is an enthusiastic young man hailing from Sichuan, China. Despite the strong Sichuanese accent, Roots, through his diligent practice, has successfully mastered standard Mandarin. Moreover, Roots is a popular Instagram teacher (IG: chinesewithroots), gaining over fifty thousand followers in just one month with his witty and humorous short videos. In this episode, Roots shares his journey from being a voice actor to becoming a Mandarin teacher for foreigners. He also provides insights into how he corrected his pronunciation. Let's get to know the lively and charming Roots teacher together! Roots老师是一个充满激情的四川小伙儿。尽管四川话有着浓重的口音,但是Roots凭借自己的刻苦练习,成功地练就了一口标准的普通话。同时,Roots也是Instagram上备受欢迎的网红老师(IG: chinesewithroots),他风趣幽默的短视频在短短一个月内吸引了五万多粉丝。在这期节目中,Roots将与我们分享他从配音员转型为对外汉语老师的人生经历,同时也会分享他如何纠正自己的发音问题的心得。让我们一同来认识这位充满活力和可爱的Roots老师吧!