Chinese Podcast EP62: Why Did This Chinese Guy Go to Mexico During the Pandemic? 中国小伙为什么疫情期间去墨西哥?

Dashu Mandarin Podcast - Un podcast de 李璨理查BEN


Today, we are honored to invite a Chinese PHD student, Depeng, whose expertise lies in international politics, granting him profound insights into global affairs and international relations. Simultaneously, he is also a Chinese language teacher on the italki platform, offering enriching lessons for those intrigued by Chinese politics and foreign policy. In this episode, Depeng will take us on a journey to explore his hometown of Hebei, sharing his educational experiences, including his remarkable decision to venture to Mexico during the pandemic. Let's come together to listen to Depeng's story and gain a glimpse into his extraordinary life encounters! 今天,我们荣幸地邀请到一位中国博士,德鹏,他的专业领域涵盖国际政治,对于国际关系和全球事务具有深刻的洞察力。同时,他还是italki平台上的中文教师,为对中国政治和外交政策感兴趣的学习者提供精彩的课程。在本期节目中,德鹏将带领我们深入了解他的家乡河北,分享他的求学历程,其中包括他在疫情期间毅然决然前往墨西哥的精彩经历。让我们一同聆听德鹏的故事,一窥他的人生奇遇!