Chinese Podcast EP59: Study Chinese in China VS Study Chinese Online.在中国学习中文VS在网上学中文

Dashu Mandarin Podcast - Un podcast de 李璨理查BEN


Looking for a language center to learn mandarin in China? Today, we are pleased to have Max, the Director of Marketing at LTL Language Schools, join us. LTL Language Schools offers not only online language courses, including their flexi class, but also has numerous campuses across Asia where you can learn Mandarin. Max himself is fluent in Chinese, and in today's episode, he will provide insights from an insider's perspective on self-studying Chinese online versus learning in China. Max will also share his own experiences of learning in China and provide valuable information about the LTL Language School. For those considering learning Mandarin in Asia, LTL Language Schools might be an excellent choice to consider. So, let's tune in to hear from Max and explore the world of language learning! 今天,我们非常荣幸邀请到LTL语言学校的市场营销总监Max。LTL语言学校不仅提供了丰富的在线语言课程(flexi class),还在亚洲拥有众多校区,为您提供学习汉语的机会。Max本人也能够流利地运用中文,今天,他将从语言学校内部人员的角度出发,分享自学中文与亲临中国学习中文的利弊。 在节目中,Max将与我们分享他自己在中国学习的经历,同时为大家介绍关于LTL语言学校的有关信息。对于那些计划在亚洲学习中文的朋友们,不妨考虑一下LTL语言学校,它绝对是一个优秀的选择。让我们一同收听Max的分享,探索语言学习的精彩世界!