Chinese Podcast EP58: Work Culture Differences between China and Germany? 中国和德国工作文化的区别?

Dashu Mandarin Podcast - Un podcast de 李璨理查BEN


Today, we are delighted to welcome Yao Bochao, a German guest who has visited China multiple times and accumulated fascinating experiences there. He has also worked alongside Chinese individuals and observed various cultural differences between China and Germany in the workplace. Yao Bochao has a keen interest in Chinese culture and has even learned to play Go, becoming a member of the Go Club in Heidelberg, Germany. In this episode, Yao Bochao will share all the experiences mentioned above, discuss the differences between China and Germany, and delve into his journey of learning Chinese, including his learning methods and insights. Let's look forward to this exciting and insightful conversation! 今天,我们很高兴邀请到德国的尧博超,他曾多次前往中国,积累了许多有趣的经历。他还与中国人共事过,在工作中观察到了许多趣味中德文化差异。他对中国文化非常感兴趣,还学会了下围棋,并参加了德国海德堡的围棋俱乐部。在今天的节目中,他将分享以上提到的各种经历,谈谈中国和德国之间的不同之处,也会讨论他学习中文的过程、学习方法和心得。让我们一起期待这次精彩的交流!