Chinese Podcast EP56: Is China Really that Safe for Foreigners? 中国对于外国人真的那么安全吗?

Dashu Mandarin Podcast - Un podcast de 李璨理查BEN


Today, we are pleased to have Chinese teacher Dolores join us as we discuss the topic of safety in China. Is it truly safe for foreigners to live in China? We will delve into matters of public safety, as well as address issues related to personal privacy and online security. We will also touch upon potential pitfalls that foreigners may encounter while in China and provide some advice for living in the country. Our conversation with Dolores is lively and engaging, so come and join us now! 今天,我们有幸邀请到中文老师Dolores加入我们的讨论,共同探讨中国的安全问题。外国人在中国的生活到底安全吗?我们将从治安问题谈起,同时还会涉及与个人隐私相关的网络安全问题,以及外国人在中国可能会遇到的陷阱。我们也会向外国朋友提供一些建议,帮助他们更好地适应在中国的生活。大叔们与Dolores老师的对话畅所欲言,现在就加入我们吧!