Chinese Podcast EP54: How to Learn Chinese By Yourself At Home? 在家如何一个人自学中文?
Dashu Mandarin Podcast - Un podcast de 李璨理查BEN

今天,我们非常激动地邀请到加拿大的肖思恩老师(Instagram: xiao_en_laoshi)参与我们的节目。令人惊讶的是,她目前已经能够流利地说中文,而除了一次短暂的中国之旅外,她从未跟任何中文老师学习过,而是通过自学的方式达到了如今的汉语水平。肖思恩老师拥有丰富的在线语言交换伙伴经验,并因此结识了她现在的男朋友。在本期播客中,肖思恩将分享她的中文学习之旅,并与大家分享一些自学中文的宝贵经验。如果您有任何问题,也欢迎留言提问! Today, we are thrilled to have Canadian teacher Xiao Sean (Instagram: xiao_en_laoshi) join us on the podcast. It's astonishing that she can speak fluent Chinese, especially considering that she has never learned from any Chinese teachers except for a brief trip to China. She has achieved her current level of proficiency through self-study. Xiao Sean has gained valuable experience through online language exchange partners, and it was through language exchange apps that she met her current boyfriend. In this episode, Xiao Sean will share her journey of learning Chinese and provide valuable insights and tips on self-studying the language. Feel free to leave any questions you may have in the comments section!