Chinese Podcast EP101: Can You Learn Chinese Better in China? 在中国就一定能学好中文吗?
Dashu Mandarin Podcast - Un podcast de 李璨理查BEN

His experience in China has two completely different phases: starting with zero Chinese language skills for the first few years, then becoming fluent in Chinese and able to communicate with locals. How did he achieve this transformation? Today, we have a special guest on our show, a Mexican guy named 乐文, who has been living in China for over 10 years. Let's listen to his stories of China and his journey of learning Chinese together! 今天我们的节目有一个特别的嘉宾,墨西哥小伙乐文,他在中国已经生活了超过10年。乐文在中国的生活经历可以说有着两种截然不同的模式:一开始几年零基础,然后又能够流利地与中国人交流。他是如何实现这种转变的呢?让我们一起聆听他的中国故事和中文学习经历吧!