Chinese Podcast EP100: 100th Episode Q&A 大叔中文第100期!
Dashu Mandarin Podcast - Un podcast de 李璨理查BEN

Unbelievably, our Chinese podcast has reached its 100th episode! In today's special episode, we will be hosting a Q&A session to address questions collected from our listeners. We want to express our deepest gratitude to each of our over 16,000 followers. Your support and companionship have fueled our passion to create more Chinese learning content at Dashu Mandarin. Let's celebrate this milestone together and cherish the emotional connection and growth we've experienced along the way! 不经意间,我们的汉语播客已经迈入了100期!在今天这个特别的节目中,我们将为大家呈现一期问答节目,回答之前收集到的听众提出的问题。感谢每一位超过16000名粉丝的支持,正是因为你们的陪伴和鼓励,让我们拥有了更多创造中文学习材料的动力。让我们共同见证这个时刻,感受到彼此的情感交流和成长历程!